Are you looking to break bad habits and develop better ones? Then a Bullet Journal tracker could be exactly what you need! Trackers have soared in popularity in the last year and for good reason. A Bullet Journal Tracker could be your ticket to a better you!
But what is a Bullet Journal tracker? Well, a tracker is a Bullet Journal layout that can track anything you want. (If you’ve been living under a rock and don’t know what a Bullet Journal is, click here to get the scoop!) You can track general habits like waking up on time or making the bed. But that’s not all! You can also track hours of sleep, workouts, chores, budgets. Basically, anything you’d like to improve, theirs a Bullet Journal tracker to help!
Bullet Jurnal Trackers come in all shapes and sizes, and they are extremely versatile. They are easy to make and fun to use. And of course, fun to look at!
If you don’t have a habit tracker in a bullet journal, notebook, journal, or a spreadsheet you are missing out on an extremely useful tool. Bullet journal habit trackers help us to stay on track to meet goals. They help you feel better about yourself. Most importantly habit trackers help you to build healthy and productive habits so you can live the best life.
Here’s some Inspiration for all the ways you can use a Bullet Journal tracker to improve your life. I hope it inspires you to give a trackers a try!
( Psst! Not up to making your own? I’ve got you. Click here to shop for printable trackers!
8 Ways to Use Bullet Jurnal Trackers
1. Habit Trackers

2. Chore Trackers

3. Sleep Trackers

4. Fitness Trackers

5. Mood Trackers

6. Pregnancy Tracker

7. Financial Trackers

8. Social Media Trackers

I hope you found some inspiration here! Want to see more cool layouts for your Bullet Journal? Check out these 21 weekly spread ideas!