August is here and for many that means the summer is winding down and it’s time for the kids to head back to school. It’s a sad time. However, it does give me an opportunity to build my August Bullet Journal setup, which makes my faux “end of summer” a little brighter.
Earlier in the month, I watched the fireflies take off in one of our many evening thunderstorms. It was amazing to see them party while the sky lit up with lightning — I always thought insects avoided the rain. Inspired, I thought lightning bugs would make a great theme for this month and then I remembered: I’d already done it!
So, here is a refreshed version of a previous release!
Here’s my August bullet journal setup from start to finish. If you’re already signed up you can grab the free version here.
Supplies I used to create these pages:
- Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pens (These are the pens I use for headers and calligraphy. They are so easy to use even for a beginner!)
- Sakura Pigma Micron Pens
- Staedtler Triplus Fineliners
- Colore Watercolor Paint Set
- Pentel Aquash Water Brush Pens – These brushes are so easy to use and give you professional results even for a beginner!
- Tombow Dual Brush Pens – I use these to make the colorful calligraphy for my quote and headers. They come in over 96 colors and they are all amazing!
August Bullet Journal Setup 2021
I’ve created a huge pack of 16 planner pages for August! Here’s what you’ll get in the August Bullet Journal setup for 2021:
- Watercolor Hello August
- Quote of the month
- August Calendar
- August Goals and Tasks
- Habit Tracker
- Mood Tracker
- Gratitude Log
- Memories Page
- 5 Weekly Spreads
Click Here to grab this entire set as an instant download!
August Bullet Journal Cover Page
I love drawing these intro pages every month. Not only do they jazz up my journal, but they really get me in the mindset of the time period I’m entering. Every month is different- different events, different weather, busy, slow, etc. When I sit down to draw out my intro it helps me adjust my thinking to whatever vibe is needed for what I have coming up.
This month I’m trying to encourage myself to persevere in this unrelenting heat!
August 2021 Calendar and Goals
For a calendar, I use the traditional minimalist style as designed by the creator of the Bullet Journal system Ryder Carrol. It works well for me because I try not to over-schedule my days with more than 3 events at a time, but that might change against my will in the near future.
On the next page, I map out what I need to focus on this month, as well as the myriad of little tasks that I need to find time in my schedule for. I’ve changed my design a little bit this month and gave each goal a big ribbon instead of tiny ones. I chose the categories of Home, Family, and Blog, but you could choose any category you want to fill those spaces. Work, Business, School, Finances, Relationships, the list goes on and on. It’s completely customizable month to month, depending on whats going on in your life at the time.
The To-Do List is a brain dump of things that are coming up. These aren’t necessarily time-sensitive, but it’s a general list to reference when doing my weekly or daily planning. It’s so easy to forget when I don’t write things down! This list helps me to keep that little stuff from falling thru the cracks.
August Habit Tracker
This is one of the most productive spreads you can have in your Bullet Journal! List the habits or tasks you want to keep track of along the side, and then mark what you did each day. You can list things like laundry, water intake, making the bed, no spend, exercise, etc. This spread can really give you insight into how often you are really accomplishing what you set out to do. Once you have a clearer picture of how often you perform certain activities, it’s so much easier to set realistic goals for yourself, and gradually grow into those habits you want to make a part of your life.
Gratitude Log and Memories Page
This is my gratitude log, it has 31 lines where I write down, every day if I can, something in that day I feel grateful for. The idea is that even on your worst day, you are forced to take a step back and look on the bright side. The act of being mindfully grateful can have long-term effects on your health, your self-control, and your general satisfaction in life. Psychology Today writes “ Regular practice of gratitude can change the way our brain neurons fire into more positive automatic patterns. The positive emotions we evoke can soothe distress and broaden our thinking patterns so we develop a larger and more expansive view of our lives.” Sounds good to me:).
Mood Tracker

August Weekly Spreads

You can pick up this entire package in my shop! Click here to get yours!
And of course, I can’t let you walk away without freebies! I’m offering the August Calendar and August Goals and Tasks pages all for FREE!
Download Your Free August Bullet Journal Setup!
I highly recommend printing them out on these Avery shipping labels. I know, it sounds weird, but they fit absolutely perfectly in any A5 size journal (roughly 8×5). No wrinkled paper or awkwardly taped edges, just a smooth easy transition from my journal to yours :). They’re the perfect DIY sticker!
For more info on how to use an Avery Label as a DIY sticker, click here.
Already signed up?
If you’ve already signed up, click here and enter your password to get your free August planning pack!
1 Comment
Absolutely gorgeous layouts! I love the dragonflies and the colors you used. Such an inspiration 🙂