Carrying around a giant pencil case and bulky Bullet Journal can get old really fast. This is what makes digital Bullet Journaling Apps so great, you can have your planner at your finger tips wherever you go! I’ve compiled a list of apps I think work really well for a digital Bullet Journal!
Advantages of Digital Planners
- Environmentally Friendly–
- Throughout my years of Bullet Journaling, I have gone through MANY notebooks; some of which aren’t even complete. Rather than wasting paper, digital Bullet Journaling gives a more eco-friendly option. Although, some journal companies work toward helping the environment! Here’s one of my favorites.
- Easy to fix mistakes–
- Once pen is on paper, it cant be erased. But with Bullet Journalling Apps, you can edit whatever mark you make!
- Easy to Organize–
- All of the apps in this list have features to help you organize your spreads and lists to more easily navigate your journal.
- Sync across devices–
- I can’t count the amount of times I’ve left my Bullet Journal at home and was left completely lost and unstructured. With digital planning, you can access your journal from anywhere.
Bullet Journaling Apps
1. Trello
This app is so wonderfully simple and intuitive. It’s based off the concept of a Japanese Kanban board. Kanban boards are used to visually track tasks from start to finish, but Trello makes it easy to make the board work for you! You can make separate boards for you daily, monthly, and yearly spreads. Customize the colors of each task and add checklists, descriptions, and due dates. There are so many other features to explore and best of all the app is free.

2. Evernote
Evernote has a lot of creative features to bring to your digital bullet journal. One of my personal favorites is the sketch feature where you can add doodles and handwritten notes! You can specify sections for work, school, etc. There’s an intuitive camera feature, so you can easily copy down your lists without rewriting them and customize the homepage to your liking!
Unlocking all the features can be a little pricey, but I enjoyed using the free version. (A business account costs $14.99/ month and a premium account costs $69.99).

3. Bullet Journal Companion
This app is a perfect option for those of you who aren’t fully committed to completely digital planning. This app works in conjunction with your existing bullet journal and is made by Ryder Carol himself. You can track your daily reflections, customize it to your liking, and take your digital bullet journal with you wherever you go.

4. Squidnotes
This app does an incredible job incorporating the artistic aspect of bullet journaling. Sorry to all my iOS users out there, this app is exclusive to android. You can make your spreads from scratch or use the built in templates. Add images or stickers to personalize even further. One feature I really like is being able to add hyperlinks to other documents within your digital bullet journal.

5. MetaMoji
MetaMoji works best on android, but can be downloaded on iOS devices as well. This app also does an amazing job incorporating the artistic aspect of Bullet Journaling. It has tons of templates to utilize and makes it super easy to organize your pages.

6. Notes, Calendar, Reminders
One of the first options I tried were the productivity apps built into my phone. These apps work well together and are likely already downloaded on your phone. I like planning out the time slots of my day on the calendar app and writing down to-do lists on the notes app. These are all super easy to organize and make visualizing plans super easy.

There are so many Bullet Journalling Apps out there, but these are just ones I think work best. Go try some of them out and let me know which ones are your favorite! Happy Bullet Journalling everyone!