It’s that time of year again, back to school season! I don’t know about you, but I want to make the most of this year now that things are finally going back to normal. No better way to organize my time than through a bullet journal! If you’re going back to school this semester I highly recommend getting your hands on a student planner, or even better, making your own!
Student Planner for College
I know a lot of my followers are going back to college this semester. The workload can be overwhelming sometimes but with an organized mind, you can accomplish anything! Here are some of my favorite pre-made planner options.
Coiled Weekly Life Planner

This planner has so many fun features and is very customizable! Similar to a Bullet Journal, there are designated sections for yearly, monthly, and weekly planning. There are different color customization options and cover design options! Because of it’s exclusive features, it’s on the pricey side so if thats a deal breaker for you, read on.
Plum Paper

This planner is so fun to look at and is specifically geared toward students! It is SO easy to customize! I could have spent hours and hours looking through all of my options. This planner doesn’t break the bank and can be as simple or complex as you want! Here’s the cover I designed:
Click here to start customizing!

Although you can’t build this planner page by page, there are an INFINITE number of unique options. Papier has mid-year planners, student planners, wellness journals. There is so much to explore and so many options to chose from. Best of all, it’s reasonably priced.
Student Bullet Journaling
If the uncertainty of purchasing a pre-made planner worries you (it’s stressful, I know), then consider making your own! It may sound like a daunting task, but I assure you it’s very simple and ensures your planner is catered to your needs. Here are some of my top student bullet journal spreads.
Study Trackers
Bullet Journal study trackers are so helpful when it comes to tracking your grades, assignments, and study sessions. I utilize spreads like this all the time. It’s a great way to gauge your progress in school and look back at old spreads to see how far you’ve come. Here are some of my favorites, some of which I’ve used myself!
Weekly Spreads
On to weekly spreads which are arguably one of the most important spreads in your student Bullet Journal. Copy these spreads pen stroke for pen stroke or take elements you like from them and make your own!
Here is the development of my ideal weekly spread for school. It’s gone through many phases, some of which have worked more than others. Over time I was able to come up with the perfect weekly spread that suits all of my needs. For me personally, I like to have an events, task, journal, and “next week” section, as well as a little room to doodle in the weather.
Here are some other spreads I really like:
Student Loan Planner
Finance trackers and loan planners are SO IMPORTANT to include in your student Bullet Journal. I’m personally just getting started on my financial journey and don’t have many Pinterest worthy spreads to share yet. Here are some trackers I think have a lot of great features to include in your next student loan spread or general financial Bullet Journal Spreads.
And thats it! Whether you’re in college or middle school, I hope you found something here to inspire you! Let me know what you use to stay organized during school, I love hearing from you all. Thanks for joining me and as always, happy Bullet Journalling! 🙂