Summer has hit and it’s a doozy! I don’t know if you know much about the climate of the Southeast, but let me paint you a picture. Spending a summer here is like spending the winter in Antarctica. It’s muggy! Needless to say, if you need to find me, I’ll be camped in front of the air conditioner with a cold drink and a Bullet Journal.

Bullet Journal Supplies Essentials

Finding a theme for the month in your bullet journal can be a daunting task, especially for someone who is indecisive like me. So here I have compiled different June bullet journal cover page ideas for you, but first, here are some supplies to start with when creating these cover pages:

Supplies I use to create my spreads:

Spread Organization

For a full explanation on each of these spreads and how I use them for monthly planning check out this post Monthly Planning 101: The Essential Bullet Journal Guide!

There are other spreads to consider that we have posts about that you should check out! Here is a structure for your monthly spreads if you are a beginner:

  • Watercolor Hello page
  • Quote of the month
  • June calendar
  • June goals and tasks
  • Habit tracker
  • Mood tracker
  • Gratitude log
  • Memories page
  • 5 weekly spreads 

Now, let’s get started on what we are here for! Here are some awesome June cover page ideas:

June Cover Page Ideas

Cute June cover page
Creative June themes



Cute bullet journal cover pages


June bullet journal inspiration


Sea themed bullet journal


Lemon themed bullet journal


Space bullet journal spread theme


Summer themed bullet journal


Unique bullet journal ideas


Pretty bullet journal spreads


Food themed bullet journal



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