The new year is here and it’s time to start on your January bullet journal spreads! This month is especially important in your bullet journal because it sets the theme for the rest of the year. There are many spreads that can be used throughout the year in your bullet journal that are made in the month of January. Setting the tone right for the year and your month of January is very important, that’s why I’ve compiled many spread ideas and themes for you!
First lets start with some New Year spreads to try in the month of January:
Year in Pixels January Spread
This bullet journal spread is essentially a mood tracker but for the whole year! Here are some ideas to get you started:

Year At a Glance Bullet Journal Spread
Year at a glance spreads give you an overall layout of the year ahead. You can achieve this in many ways but the most popular way would be to create little calendars of each month of the year and color code it to represent events, dates, ext. Here are some examples :


Goal Page For New Year
Setting your goals for the new year is an essential part of refreshing for the new year. Looking back at old bad habits you would like to change, or maybe a habit you would like to start is important in setting goals for the new year. Here are some bullet journal goal page spreads too try:


January themes and Spreads
Now on to the January themes and spreads! I’ve just compiled random spread I’ve found to be inspiring and I hope it’s helpful in making your January spread this year! Now lets get started:




